In the world of pen and ink, "Never Swat a Fly" emerges—a captivating testament by Jerry Garcia. Each intricate stroke weaves a tale, inviting viewers to decipher its enigmatic narrative. Amidst the textured lines, a scene unfolds where a musical duo, perhaps Jerry and David Grisman, captivates a youthful audience. Garcia's lines craft an intimate connection between the musicians and their mesmerized young listeners. The crosshatched shadows conjure depth and movement, as if the performance is a lively dialogue with the crowd. "Never Swat a Fly" immortalizes a moment of shared music, an ageless reminder of the transformative power of harmony.
Jerry Garcia was best known as the singer/guitarist of The Grateful Dead, but he was also a talented visual artist. Throughout his work, from colorful abstracts to surreal images of dragons, he displayed his sense of humor as well as his artistic ability.
From the private collection of Stonehenge, the original creator of the Jerry Garcia Tie, these rare works are all pencil signed by Jerry Garcia and numbered, some annotated in Jerry's hand and carry the unique provenance of having been in the collection since the day they were signed by Jerry.
- Hand signed by the artist in pencil (lower right)
- Excellent Condition
- Certificate of Authenticity
- Free Shipping (continental US)