The exceptional Michael Strawderman hand carved the inspiration of Jerry's "FISH" in exacting detail in clay, and then - using the "sand casting" method cast this stunning work in bronze...
In "Poet Reflects the War," Jerry Garcia's vibrant watercolor transcends the canvas, becoming an evocative tapestry of human emotion. Amidst the splashes of color, a poignant narrative unfurls — a...
In this rare pencil sketch by Jerry Garcia, the enigmatic juxtaposition between beauty and darkness captivates the observer. On the left, a poignant scene unfolds—a tranquil moment on the porch,...
Within the realm of pen and ink, "Saddam" emerges—a satirical testament by Jerry Garcia. Every stroke tells a tale of wit and critique, inviting viewers to delve into its provocative...
In "Sax Player," Jerry Garcia's pen and ink conjures a timeless tribute to the spirit of music. The scene unfolds with masterful simplicity — a saxophonist at rest, enveloped in...
"Wetlands 1," a masterful creation by Jerry Garcia, invites viewers into a realm where art and nature converge in exquisite harmony. With a discerning eye, Garcia transcends conventional representation to...
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